Other language publications / Chinese Simplified Script  

[Chinese simplified script]  What you Should Know About Your Conscience

[Chinese simplified script] What you Should Know About Your Conscience

152 pages, paperback |  ISBN: 978 7 5126 4012 2  |  UK £7.00

Four booklets under one cover. Details....

[Chinese simplified script] A Holy Life

[Chinese simplified script] A Holy Life

The Beauty of Christianity

158 pages, paperback |  ISBN: 978 99981 42 09 1  |  UK £7.50


[Chinese simplified script] Christian Behaviour

[Chinese simplified script] Christian Behaviour

Paul's Departure and Crown

191 pages, paperback |  ISBN: 978 99981 42 13 8  |  UK £8.00


[Chinese simplified script] Faith, Doubt, Trials, Assurance

[Chinese simplified script] Faith, Doubt, Trials, Assurance

162 pages, paperback |  ISBN: 978 7 5126 2819 9  |  UK £7.50

Ongoing faith is essential for answered prayer, effective service, spiritual stability and real communion with God. This book answers many questions about faith. Details....

[Chinese simplified script] Heritage of Evidence

[Chinese simplified script] Heritage of Evidence

Chinese & English

202 large format pages, colour illustrated, paperback |  ISBN: 978 7 5108 2998 7  |  UK £12.00

The British Museum holds a huge number of major discoveries that provide direct corroboration and background confirmation for an immense sweep of Bible history. This illustrated survey of Bible-authenticating exhibits has been designed as a guide for visitors, and also to give pleasure and interest to readers unable to tour the galleries. Details....

[Chinese simplified script] Old Paths

[Chinese simplified script] Old Paths

512 pages, paperback |  ISBN: 978 99981 42 07 7  |  UK £17.00

'The volume now in the reader's hands consists of a series of papers, systematically arranged, on the leading truths of Christianity which are "necessary to salvation" (from the author’s introduction).'
A well presented sewn hardback that would make a valuable gift.

[Chinese simplified script] The Personal Spiritual Life

[Chinese simplified script] The Personal Spiritual Life

203 pages, paperback |  ISBN: 978 7 5126 3687 3  |  UK £7.50

From the personal indwelling of the Holy Spirit to living a life of commitment these chapters stir and encourage readers to advance spiritually. Details....

[Chinese simplified script] The Seven Sayings of the Saviour on the Cross

[Chinese simplified script] The Seven Sayings of the Saviour on the Cross

175 pages, paperback |  ISBN: 978 99981 42 05 3  |  UK £8.50

One of Pink’s best-loved devotional works. Suitable for all ages, but it should be read by all young believers.  Details....

[Chinese simplified script] Worship in the Melting Pot

[Chinese simplified script] Worship in the Melting Pot

128 pages, paperback |  ISBN: 978 1 908919 36 6  |  UK £7.50

This book presents four essential principles laid down by Christ and strongly reaffirmed at the Reformation. It is surely by these that all new ideas should be assessed.  Details....

[Chinese simplified script] The Healing Epidemic

[Chinese simplified script] The Healing Epidemic

195 pages, paperback |  ISBN: 9781908919267  |  UK £8.50

Dr Masters here answers the arguments used by healers in support of their methods. He explains Bible teaching on what demons can and cannot do, and how James 5 should be implemented in churches today. Details....

[Chinese simplified script] The Charismatic Phenomenon

[Chinese simplified script] The Charismatic Phenomenon

98 pages,paperback |  ISBN: 978 1 908919 33 5  |  UK £6.50

The authors present the true purpose of apostolic sign-miracles and show that they were quite different from those claimed today. What was the purpose of these gifts in New Testament times? Were they intended to be permanent? Details....

[Chinese simplified script] God

[Chinese simplified script] God's Rules for Holiness

Unlocking the Ten Commandments

136 pages, paperback |  ISBN: 9781908919601  |  UK £7.50

The Commandments are vital for godly living and for greater blessing, but we need to enter into the panoramic view they provide of the standards and goals for redeemed people. Details....

[Chinese simplified script] Joshua

[Chinese simplified script] Joshua's Conquest

121 pages, paperback |  ISBN: 978 99981 42 03 9  |  UK £7.50

This is a book for reading, rather than a commentary. Its aim is to bring out the spiritual message of Joshua for today, and also to explain some of the 'problem' portions and passages which evoke questions. Details....

[Chinese simplified script] Lessons for Life 1

[Chinese simplified script] Lessons for Life 1

238 pages, paperback |  ISBN: 978 1 908919 35 9  |  UK £9.50

This contains a year's Sunday School lessons. These avoid the presentation of Bible narratives as mere stories, allowing the Word of God to speak powerfully to the young, Details....

[Chinese simplified script] Lessons for Life 2

[Chinese simplified script] Lessons for Life 2

242 pages, paperback |  ISBN: 9781908919595  |  UK £9.50

Lessons for Life 1-4 each contain a year's Sunday School lessons.  Details....

[Chinese simplified script] Men of Destiny

[Chinese simplified script] Men of Destiny

184 pages, paperback |  ISBN: 978 1 908919 29 8  |  UK £7.50

Fourteen outstanding lives with testimonies to the saving grace of God. Includes a tsar, an Antarctic explorer, the discoverer of chloroform and historical figures from Alfred the Great to General Dobbie of Malta. Highly suitable as a gift to unconverted friends. Details....

[Chinese simplified script] Men of Purpose

[Chinese simplified script] Men of Purpose

191 pages, paperback |  ISBN: 978 7 5108 2458 6  |  UK £7.50

A companion volume to 'Men of Destiny'. Eleven well-loved lives and testimonies including pioneer scientists Faraday, Clerk Maxwell and Lord Kelvin, along with food magnate Henry Heinz, ex-brewery heir Fred Charrington and others.   Details....

[Chinese simplified script] Not Like Any Other Book

[Chinese simplified script] Not Like Any Other Book

Interpreting the Bible

150 pages, paperback |  ISBN: 978 1 908919 61 8  |  UK £7.50

Faulty Bible interpretation lies at the root of every major mistake and 'ism' assailing churches today, and countless Christians are asking for the old, traditional and proven way of handling the Bible to be spelled out plainly. Details....

[Chinese simplified script] Steps for Guidance

[Chinese simplified script] Steps for Guidance

201 pages, paperback |  ISBN: 978 7 5126 3688 0  |  UK £7.50

This book presents the time-honoured, scriptural view that Christians must seek God’s will in all the major decisions of life, such as career, marriage, location, and church. Six essential steps are traced from the Bible, and principles are given on additional practical issues. Details....

[Chinese simplified script] The Faith

[Chinese simplified script] The Faith

Great Christian Truths

128 pages, paperback |  ISBN: 978 99981 42 04 6  |  UK £7.50

This is a popular, non-technical sweep through key themes of the Christian faith, highlighting very many inspiring and enlivening points. It often takes an oblique and unusual approach to a topic in order to bring out the full wonder and significance. Details....

[Chinese simplified script] The Lord

[Chinese simplified script] The Lord's Pattern for Prayer

110 pages, paperback |  ISBN: 9781899046195  |  UK £7.00

This volume is almost a manual on prayer, providing a real spur to the devotional life. The Lord's own plan and agenda for prayer - carefully amplified - takes us into the presence of the Father, to prove the privileges and power of God's promises to those who pray. Details....

[Chinese simplified script] The Mutual Love of Christ and his People

[Chinese simplified script] The Mutual Love of Christ and his People

An Explanation of the Song of Solomon

187 pages, paperback |  ISBN: 978 7 5126 3489 7  |  UK £7.50

The courtship of the Song of Solomon provides scenes and events designed to show the love of Christ for His redeemed people, and theirs for Him. Details....

[Chinese simplified script] The Goal of Brotherly Love

[Chinese simplified script] The Goal of Brotherly Love

24 pages, booklet |  ISBN: 9781899046188  |  UK £1.00

The great goal is 'Philadelphia' love - a tenacity of love equal to the love of a blood tie. What obstructs this among believers? What steps must be taken to promote and preserve it? For all readers. Details....

[Chinese simplified script] The Purposes of the Lord

[Chinese simplified script] The Purposes of the Lord's Supper

24 pages, booklet |  ISBN: 9781899046171  |  UK £1.00

The Saviour calls His people to regularly observe His Supper. But do we have a clear awareness of all that the Lord’s Supper means? Here are nine purposes behind the Lord’s Supper, each one a vital spiritual theme. Together, they provide a rich basis for thought and prayer at the Table of the Lord. Details....

[Chinese simplified script] Seven Certain Signs of True Conversion

[Chinese simplified script] Seven Certain Signs of True Conversion

21 pages, booklet |  ISBN: 9781899046164  |  UK £1.00

Are there recognisable signs that true conversion has occurred? How can seekers tell if God has worked in their hearts? How can Christian workers discern the spiritual standing of a seeker or inquirer, or an applicant for baptism and church membership? A guide to the marks of true salvation. Details....

[Chinese simplified script and English] Vanity of Vanities

[Chinese simplified script and English] Vanity of Vanities

20 pages, booklet |  ISBN: 978 1 899046 60 7  |  UK £0.80

Presents the experience of King Solomon, who experimented with every conceivable kind of pleasure, and concluded that life is pointless and predictable, unless people seek and find the Lord God, and know His power and guidance in their lives. Details....

[Chinese simplified script] The Holy War

[Chinese simplified script] The Holy War

383 pages, paperback |  ISBN: 9787510824845  |  UK £10.00

A new translation of Bunyan's classic work. This has been given a government barcode for widespread distribution in China. Details....

[Chinese simplified script] A Great Gulf Fixed

[Chinese simplified script] A Great Gulf Fixed

104 pages, paperback |  ISBN: 9781908919632  |  UK £7.00

Stirring preaching to arouse the indifferent. Full of vigour and interest. Details....

[Chinese simplified script] The Prodigal Son

[Chinese simplified script] The Prodigal Son

136 pages, paperback |  ISBN: 978 99981 42 02 2  |  UK £7.50

Eight evangelistic sermons from the 1859 revival instrument.  Details....

[Chinese simplified script] Light for them that Sit in Darkness

[Chinese simplified script] Light for them that Sit in Darkness

180 pages, paperback |  ISBN: 978 99981 42 00 8  |  UK £8.00


[Chinese simplified script] The Acceptable Sacrifice

[Chinese simplified script] The Acceptable Sacrifice

234 pages, paperback |  ISBN: 978 7510824 84 5  |  UK £8.50


[Chinese simplified script] The Barren Fig Tree

[Chinese simplified script] The Barren Fig Tree

188 pages, paperback |  ISBN: 978 99981 42 12 1  |  UK £8.00


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