Other language publications / Urdu  

[Urdu] The Charismatic Phenomenon

[Urdu] The Charismatic Phenomenon

136 pages, paperback |  ISBN:   |  UK £2.00

The authors describe the purpose of the sign-miracles and revelatory gifts of New Testament times, and their precise nature. Were they intended to be ongoing in the life of the church? Numerous questions are here answered... Details....

[Urdu] Do We Have a Policy?

[Urdu] Do We Have a Policy?

Paul's Ten Point Policy for Church Health and Growth

75 pages, paperback |  ISBN:   |  UK £4.95

What are our aims for the shaping of our church fellowship, and for its growth? Do we have an agenda or framework of desired objectives? The apostle Paul had a very definite policy, and called it his 'purpose'. This book sets out ten policy ideals, gleaned from Paul's teaching. Details....

[Urdu] Seven Certain Signs of True Conversion

[Urdu] Seven Certain Signs of True Conversion

42 pages, booklet |  ISBN: 9781111303747  |  UK £0.40

Are there recognisable signs that true conversion has occurred? How can seekers tell if God has worked in their hearts? How can Christian workers discern the spiritual standing of a seeker or inquirer, or an applicant for baptism and church membership? A guide to the marks of true salvation. Details....

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