Deepening Discernment
The Meaning and Purpose of 1 John
Peter Masters
34 pages, booklet |
ISBN: 9781899046911 | UK £1.00 | USA $3.00
This is the Bible’s own manual of discernment, enabling believers to keep their faith and walk unsullied until the Lord’s return.
Earth's Morning
Peter Masters
15, booklet |
ISBN: 978 1 899046 95 9 | UK £0.80 | USA $1.50
In this booklet the meaning and application of Eden is movingly unfolded for the help of those enquiring into faith.
The Meaning and Purpose of the Book of Job
Peter Masters
24 pages, booklet |
ISBN: 9781899046782 | UK £1.00 | USA $3.00
The chief theme of Job is salvation by grace alone, but this ‘patriarchal Bible’ reveals many other topics.
The Picture and its Purpose
Peter Masters
24 pages, booklet |
ISBN: 978 1 899046 01 0 | UK £1.00 | USA $1.75
Why should the Lord insist on the baptism of all converts? What is the significance of baptism? What makes it so important, especially as it makes no spiritual contribution to conversion?
Christian Stewardship
Our Calling
Peter Masters
22 pages, booklet |
ISBN: 978 1 899046 36 2 | UK £1.00 | USA $1.75
A review of New Testament passages on giving to the Lord’s work.
Proving Charismatic Gifts Have Ceased
Peter Masters
15 pages, booklet |
ISBN: 978 1 899046 40 9 | UK £1.00 | USA $1.75
Does the Bible teach definitively that the charismatic gifts have ceased? Can cessationism (the view that they have ended) be proved? This booklet shows that the ceasing of revelatory and sign-gifts in the time of the apostles is clearly derived from the Word of God.
Remember the Lord's Day
Peter Masters
34 pages, booklet |
ISBN: 978 1 899046 11 9 | UK £1.00 | USA $1.75
Why was the sabbath day instituted by the Lord, and does it continue now as the Lord’s Day? If so, in what way has it changed with the coming of Christ?
Seven Certain Signs of True Conversion
Peter Masters
21 pages, booklet |
ISBN: 978 1 899046 05 8 | UK £1.00 | USA $1.75
‘Are there recognisable signs that true conversion has occurred? How can seekers tell if God has worked in their hearts?
Should Christians Drink?
The Biblical Case of Abstinence (condensed edition)
Peter Masters
32 pages, booklet |
ISBN: 978 1 899046 37 9 | UK £1.00 | USA $1.75
What are the biblical arguments which convinced the overwhelming majority of Bible believers over the last two centuries that the Lord wants His people to abstain?
Stand for the Truth
Peter Masters
36 pages, booklet |
ISBN: 978 1 899046 11 9 | UK £1.00 | USA $1.75
This gives the biblical arguments for separation from false teaching, showing the positive value of this.
When to Stand Apart
Peter Masters
15 pages, booklet |
ISBN: 9781899046775 | UK £1.00 | USA $1.75
Here is guidance through a minefield of problems today, with help on the use of love, charity and discretion in applying the doctrine of separation.
The Goal of Brotherly Love
Peter Masters
25 pages, booklet |
ISBN: 978 1 899046 07 2 | UK £1.00 | USA $1.75
The great goal is 'Philadelphia' love - a tenacity of love equal to the love of a blood tie. What obstructs this among believers? What steps must be taken to promote and preserve it?
The Power of Prayer Meetings
Peter Masters
26 pages, booklet |
ISBN: 978 1 899046 10 2 | UK £1.00 | USA $1.75
Shows why corporate prayer is commanded by Christ and given unique promises. Includes practical advice on the form of the meeting, and the style and content of prayer. An appendix shows why women should participate.
The Purposes of the Lord's Supper
Peter Masters
23 pages, booklet |
ISBN: 978 1 899046 09 6 | UK £1.00 | USA $1.75
The Saviour calls His people to regularly observe His Supper. But do we have a clear awareness of all that the Lord’s Supper means?
Your Reasonable Service in the Lord's Work
Peter Masters
24 pages, booklet |
ISBN: 978 1 899046 08 9 | UK £1.00 | USA $1.75
How much do present-day Bible-believing congregations resemble those of the New Testament? Do we reflect the fervour and activity of the early church?
Richard Dawkins' Fictional World
Robin Compston
32 pages, booklet |
ISBN: 978 1 899046 38 6 | UK £1.00 | USA $1.75
Richard Dawkins’ book “The God Delusion” has sold in millions, attacking the God of the Bible with a ferocity not seen since the heyday of aggressive communism. But these assaults contain numerous mistakes, as many noted reviewers have pointed out.
A Seeker's Problems
Peter Masters
20 pages, booklet |
ISBN: 978 1 899046 24 9 | UK £0.80 | USA $1.50
This booklet answers ten problems encountered by serious seekers. These are not questions or doubts about the faith, but personal hindrances in approaching Christ, by faith.
How to Seek and Find the Lord
Peter Masters
15 pages, booklet |
ISBN: 978 1 899046 02 7 | UK £0.80 | USA $1.50
Intended for seekers, emphasises that there is only one way of salvation, and explains the kind of belief which brings one to find the Lord.
The Rebellious Years
The Need for Self-Understanding
Peter Masters
16 pages, booklet |
ISBN: 978 1 899046 04 1 | UK £0.80 | USA $1.50
This is intended to help readers from mid-teenage to late twenties to understand the source of the inner rebellion that urges everyone away from God in the `second quarter' of life.
What You Should Know About Your Conscience
Peter Masters
18 pages, booklet |
ISBN: 978 1 899046 06 5 | UK £0.80 | USA $1.50
What is the mysterious faculty of conscience, and how does it function? What happens when it is abused, or attempts are made to reprogramme it? Points to the only way of `purging' the conscience. Easy reading and evangelistic.