Current Issues  

Christ or Therapy?

Christ or Therapy?

For Depression & Life's Troubles

156 pages paperback |  ISBN: 978 1 870855 71 6  |  UK £7.95  |  USA $11.99

There is an irreconcilable difference between the remedies for sadness and grief set out in the Bible, and those put forward by psychotherapy. Many well-known evangelical authors, however, have turned to the secular remedies. This book shows what the differences are, including a remarkable review of depression in the Bible, and its relief. Details....

God or Mammon?

God or Mammon?

The Snare of the Prosperity Gospel

71 pages, paperback |  ISBN: 978 1 908919 88 5  |  UK £4.75  |  USA $7.99

‘Who would have predicted that Christian churches would be infected by teaching as blatantly unbiblical as the Prosperity Gospel, an error which contradicts head-on the tenth commandment, and to which all believers should have an instinctive aversion? Yet this teaching has made strong headway.’ Details....

The Dark Side of Christian Counselling

The Dark Side of Christian Counselling

155 pages, paperback |  ISBN: 978 1 870855 65 5  |  UK £7.95  |  USA $11.99

It is amazing how rapidly the Christian counselling movement has spread through churches in the UK. In this book medical doctor Ted Williams gives the most clear-cut and interesting overview of the counselling movement and of the giants of secular psychology who are pillars of its 'faith'.


Not Like Any Other Book

Not Like Any Other Book

Interpreting the Bible

161 pages, paperback |  ISBN: 978 1 870855 43 3  |  UK £8.95  |  USA $11.99

Faulty Bible interpretation lies at the root of every major mistake and 'ism' assailing churches today, and countless Christians are asking for the old, proven way of handling the Bible to be spelled out plainly.  


Steps for Guidance

Steps for Guidance

in the Journey of Life

134 pages, paperback |  ISBN: 978 1 870855 66 2  |  UK £7.95  |  USA $11.99

In recent years the subject of how to find God's guidance has become controversial. This book presents the time-honoured, scriptural view that Christians must seek God’s will in all the major decisions of life, such as career, marriage, location, and church.


The New Calvinists

The New Calvinists

Changing the Gospel

74 pages, paperback |  ISBN: 978 1 908919 32 8  |  UK £4.75  |  USA $7.99

This book reveals the new ‘gospel’ of the so-called ‘new Calvinism’. It is a gospel that changes the terms of salvation, and that loves the world and embraces its culture.  Details....

World Dominion

World Dominion

The High Ambition of Reconstructionism

55 pages, paperback |  ISBN: 1 870855 16 7  |  UK £3.95

'Reconstructionism' claims that Christians have a mandate to secure dominion over the world, bringing society under the the authority of the civil laws of Moses. This book points out the mistakes which have carried the movement far out of line with mainstream evangelicalism.


Stand for the Truth

Stand for the Truth

36 pages, booklet |  ISBN: 978 1 899046 11 9  |  UK £1.00  |  USA $1.75

This gives the biblical arguments for separation from false teaching, showing the positive value of this.


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