[Slovak] Instruments in Worship
Peter Masters
15 pages, booklet |
ISBN: | UK £0.50
Based on a Sword & Trowel article.
[Slovak] Do We Have a Policy?
Paul's Ten Point Policy for Church Health and Growth
Peter Masters
97 pages, paperback, Ordo Salutis |
ISBN: 9788096910579 | UK £3.00
What are our aims for the shaping of our church fellowship, and for its growth? Do we have an agenda or framework of desired objectives? This book sets out ten policy ideals, gleaned from Paul's teaching, all of which are essential for the health and growth of a congregation today.
[Slovak] Baptism
The Picture and its Purpose
Peter Masters
32 pages, booklet |
ISBN: | UK £0.50
Why should the Lord insist on the baptism of all converts? What is the significance of baptism? What makes it so important, especially as it makes no spiritual contribution to conversion?
[Slovak] Stand for the Truth
Peter Masters
44 pages, booklet |
ISBN: | UK £0.75
This gives the biblical arguments for separation from false teaching, showing the positive value of this.
[Slovak] Christian Stewardship
Our Calling
Peter Masters
28 pages, booklet |
ISBN: | UK £0.50
A review of New Testament passages on giving to the Lord’s work.
[Slovak] Humility
Peter Masters
16 pages, booklet |
ISBN: | UK £0.50
Based on an article published in Sword & Trowel.
[Slovak] The Purposes of the Lord's Supper
Peter Masters
39 pages, booklet |
ISBN: | UK £0.50
The Saviour calls His people to regularly observe His Supper. But do we have a clear awareness of all that the Lord’s Supper means?
[Slovak] Church Membership
Peter Masters
54 pages, booklet |
ISBN: | UK £1.00
Christ has designed a ‘home’ or family for his people, described in these pages as an accomplishment of divine genius. This is a magnificent subject, vital to spiritual growth and blessing and also to our service for the Saviour.
[Slovak] Remember the Lord's Day
Peter Masters
31 pages, booklet |
ISBN: | UK £0.50
Why was the sabbath day instituted by the Lord, and does it continue now as the Lord’s Day? If so, in what way has it changed with the coming of Christ? How should it be kept?...
[Slovak] Your Reasonable Service in the Lord's Work
Peter Masters
24 pages, booklet |
ISBN: | UK £0.50
How much do present-day Bible-believing congregations resemble those of the New Testament? Do we reflect the fervour and activity of the early church?
[Slovak] The Rebellious Years
The Need for Self-Understanding
Peter Masters
14 pages, booklet |
ISBN: | UK £0.80
This is intended to help readers from mid-teenage to late twenties to understand the source of the inner rebellion that urges everyone away from God in the 'second quarter' of life.
[Slovak] How to Seek and Find the Lord
Peter Masters
13 pages, booklet |
ISBN: | UK £0.80
Intended for seekers, emphasises that there is only one way of salvation, and explains the kind of belief which brings one to find the Lord.
[Slovak] Seven Certain Signs of True Conversion
Peter Masters
24 pages, booklet |
ISBN: | UK £0.50
‘Are there recognisable signs that true conversion has occurred? How can seekers tell if God has worked in their hearts?
[Slovak] The Cruelties of Atheism
Peter Masters
12 pages, booklet |
ISBN: | UK £0.50
Popularly shows the motive for atheism, its unreasonableness, its dishonest methods, its `agenda', its failure to improve people's lives, and its immensely cruel results in modern society. Evangelistic.
[Slovak] Vanity of Vanities
The Emptiness of Life Without God
Peter Masters
10 pages, paperback |
ISBN: | UK £0.80
Presents the experience of King Solomon, who experimented with every conceivable kind of pleasure, and concluded that life is pointless and predictable, unless people seek and find the Lord God, and know His power and guidance in their lives