Other language publications / Polish  

[Polish] Stand for the Truth

[Polish] Stand for the Truth

35 pages, booklet,  |  ISBN:   |  UK £1.00

This booklet presents the Bible’s commands to believers to give no support or fellowship to ‘Christian’ leaders who deny the biblical way of salvation. Separation from error is a vital New Testament doctrine, the neglect of which has led to the spiritual collapse of many once-pure denominations... Details....

[Polish] Remember the Lord

[Polish] Remember the Lord's Day

34 pages, booklet |  ISBN: 978 1 899046 58 4  |  UK £1.00

Why was the sabbath day instituted by the Lord, and does it continue now as the Lord’s Day? If so, in what way has it changed with the coming of Christ? Details....

[Polish] The Rebellious Years

[Polish] The Rebellious Years

16 pages, booklet |  ISBN: 978 1 899046 57 7  |  UK £0.80

This is intended to help readers from mid-teenage to late twenties to understand the source of the inner rebellion that urges everyone away from God in the 'second quarter' of life. Details....

[Polish] A Seeker

[Polish] A Seeker's Problems

20 pages, booklet |  ISBN: 9781899046553  |  UK £0.80

This booklet answers ten problems encountered by serious seekers. These are not questions or doubts about the faith, but personal hindrances in approaching Christ, by faith. Many seekers have been helped by the advice given here. Details....

[Polish] How to Seek and Find the Lord

[Polish] How to Seek and Find the Lord

16 pages, booklet |  ISBN: 9781899046522  |  UK £0.80

Intended for seekers, emphasises that there is only one way of salvation, and explains the kind of belief which brings one to find the Lord. Details....

[Polish] Seven Certain Signs

[Polish] Seven Certain Signs

of True Conversion

22 pages, booklet |  ISBN: 9781899046539  |  UK £1.00

Are there recognisable signs that true conversion has occurred? How can seekers tell if God has worked in their hearts? How can Christian workers discern the spiritual standing of a seeker or inquirer... Details....

[Polish] Vanity of Vanities

[Polish] Vanity of Vanities

The Emptiness of Life Without God

12 pages, booklet |  ISBN: 9781899046546  |  UK £0.80

Presents the experience of King Solomon, who experimented with every conceivable kind of pleasure, and concluded that life is pointless and predictable... Details....

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