Other language publications / German  

[German] God

[German] God's Rules for Holiness

Unlocking the Ten Commandments

154 pages, paperback |  ISBN: 9783856664152  |  UK £5.00

The Commandments are far greater than their surface meaning. They challenge us as Christians on a still wider range of sinful deeds and attitudes. They provide positive virtues as goals. And they give immense help for staying close to the Lord in our walk and worship. Details....

[German] Physicians of Souls

[German] Physicians of Souls

The Gospel Ministry

235 pages, paperback |  ISBN: 9783856664121  |  UK £6.50

'Compelling, convicting, persuasive preaching, revealing God's mercy and redemption to dying souls, is seldom heard today. The noblest art ever granted to our fallen human race has almost disappeared.' Even where the free offer of the Gospel is treasured in principle, regular evangelistic preaching has become a rarity, contends the author.


[German] The Lord

[German] The Lord's Pattern for Prayer

124 pages, paperback |  ISBN: 9783856664145  |  UK £5.00

This volume is almost a manual on prayer, providing a real spur to the devotional life. The Lord's own plan and agenda for prayer - carefully amplified - takes us into the presence of the Father, to prove the privileges and power of God's promises to those who pray. Details....

[German] The New Calvinists

[German] The New Calvinists

37 pages, booklet |  ISBN:   |  UK £1.00

Fatal compromise now comes with an appearance of sound doctrine – in an apparent resurgence of the very best of Reformation and Puritan teaching. This reveals the new ‘gospel’ of the so-called ‘new Calvinism’. It is a gospel that changes the terms of salvation, and that loves the world and embraces its culture.  Details....

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