[Chinese simplified script] The Mutual Love of Christ and his People
An Explanation of the Song of Solomon
Peter Masters
The courtship of the Song of Solomon provides scenes and events designed to show the love of Christ for His redeemed people, and theirs for Him.
Table of Contents
The Secret of the Song and Members of the 'Cast'
1. Learning Communion with Christ
2. Prophecy of a New Era
3. Assurance Lost and Regained
4. Christ Describes His church
5. A Healing View of Christ
6. Love for a Militant Church
7. A Believer's Personal Characteristics
8. A Believer's Hope
Epilogue: The Believer's Hope
Appendix: How Psalm 45 parallels the Song
UK £7.50187 pages, paperback |
ISBN: 978 7 5126 3489 7