[Chinese simplified script] The Healing Epidemic
Peter Masters
Dr Masters here answers the arguments used by healers in support of their methods. He explains Bible teaching on what demons can and cannot do, and how James 5 should be implemented in churches today. He also proves that the conscious mind should always be switched on for spiritual activities. Included is a brilliant assessment of miraculous healing by a leading British medical professor.
‘This volume is a masterful analysis and criticism of the most recent manifestations of charismatic phenomena…The exposition of James 5.13-14 is excellent, and his analysis of the place of the mind in the Christian’s experience is remarkable. The concluding chapter by a medical doctor is also insightful…This is one of the best books on this subject today. It should be widely read by concerned Christian people of all theological persuasions.’ – Bibliotheca Sacra
1. A New Scene
2. Occult Healing Builds the World's Larges Church
The influence of Paul Yonggi Cho
3. East Winds Blow West
John Wimber's campaign for occult-style healing
4. The Texts Say No!
Answering the pro-healing arguments
5. Demons, Demons Everywhere
Where the new 'demonology' goes wrong
6. Demons Cannot Occupy At Will
Six scriptural reasons
7. Proving the Gifts Have Ceased
Bible statements on revelatory and sign gifts
8. Implementing James 5
Directions for divine healing which charismatics ignore
9. Imagineering
The new wave of mind and memory healing
10. The Law of a Sound Mind
NT words insist on an alert, rational mind
11. A Medical View of Miraculous Healing
by Professor Verna Wright MD FRCP
UK £8.50195 pages, paperback |
ISBN: 9781908919267