[Shona] The Baptist Confession of Faith 1689
Peter Masters (Editor)
C. H. Spurgeon said of this great Confession – "Here the youngest members of our church will have a body of Truth in small compass, and by means of the scriptural proofs, will be able to give a reason of the hope that is in them." This brilliant summary of doctrine (in the same family as the Westminster Confession), with its invaluable proof texts, is here gently modernised in punctuation. Explanations of difficult phrases have been added in italic brackets. A brief history of the Confession, with an index, is included.
The 32 Articles
1. The Holy Scriptures
2. God and the Holy Trinity
3. God's Decree
4. Creation
5. Divine Providence
6. The Fall of Man, Sin and Punishment
7. God's Covenant
8. Christ the Mediator
9. Free Will
10. Effectual Calling
11. Justification
12. Adoption
13. Sanctification
14. Saving Faith
15. Repentance and Salvation
16. Good Works
17. The Perseverance of the Saints
18. Assurance of Salvation
19. The Law of God
20. The Gospel and Its Influence
21. Christian Liberty and Liberty of Conscience
22. Worship and the Sabbath Day
23. Lawful Oaths and Vows
24. The Civil Magistrate
25. Marriage
26. The Church
27. The Communion of Saints
28. Baptism and the Lord's Supper
29. Baptism
30. The Lord's Supper
31. Man's State After Death, and the Resurrection
32. The Last Judgement
UK £1.2542 pages, booklet |
ISBN: 9781111303679