[Nepali] Worship in the Melting Pot
Peter Masters
New trends in worship have shaken traditional concepts and attitudes, giving rise to much heart-searching and a flurry of books. Is it all just a matter of generation and taste? Are the traditions of today only the innovations of yesterday?
This lively and clearly reasoned book focuses on four crucial principles of worship laid down by Christ and strongly re-affirmed at the Reformation. These central pillars are rapidly passing out of sight today, yet it is surely by these that all new ideas should be assessed.
Here also is a fascinating view of how they worshipped in Bible times, including the Old Testament rules for the use of instruments, and New Testament light on all the elements of worship normative for today.
'Worship in the Melting Pot' has instantly become core reading among British evangelical pastors and lay people. Searching and challenging; dealing with principles not personalities.
Chapters include –
Three Broken Principles:
1. Spiritual or Aesthetic Worship?
2. Rational or Ecstatic Worship?
3. Sacred or Profane Worship?
Reverence Begins in the Place of Worship
Let the Lord Define Worship
Brass, Strings and Percussion in the Bible
Services of Worship in the Bible
What Really Happened at Corinth?
Why Raise Hands?
When Hymns Were Born
Seven Standards for Worthy Hymns
Practical Rules for Public Prayer
Dr Peter Masters has been Minister of the world-famous Metropolitan Tabernacle (Spurgeon's) in central London since 1970. He edits the international magazine Sword & Trowel (started by Spurgeon in 1865) and directs the studies of aspiring pastors in the Tabernacle's adjunct seminary.
UK £4.00136 pages, paperback |