[French] Not Like Any Other Book
Interpreting the Bible
Peter Masters
Faulty Bible interpretation lies at the root of every major mistake and 'ism' assailing churches today, and countless Christians are asking for the old, traditional and proven way of handling the Bible to be spelled out plainly.
A new approach to interpretation has also gripped many evangelical seminaries and Bible colleges, an approach based on the ideas of unbelieving critics, stripping the Bible of God's message, and leaving pastors impoverished in their preaching.
This book reveals what is happening, providing many brief examples of right and wrong interpretation. The author shows that the Bible includes its own rules of interpretation, and every believer should know what these are.
Table of Contents
1. A Silent Revolution
2. Danger Beneath the Surface
3. The Wholly-Human Bible
Only the human author's intended meaning allowed
4. The Super-Simplified Bible
Single sense only
5. The Blind-Date Bible
No presuppositions or expectations
6. The Fragmented Bible
No subsequent test or doctrine may be used to explain a passage
7. The Strictly-Scientific Bible
No allegorising or spiritualising
8. The Add-on Application Bible
Applying from the text's literal meaning alone
9. What the Reformers Really Said
Calvin on types and parallels
10. Are All Parables and Miracles Gracious?
Do they present the Gospel message?
11. Positive Steps of Interpretation
With example of classic wrong-turnings
12. Is the Bible Always Binding for Today?
How to distinguish temporary from permanent duties
13. Sticking Up for the Judges
A glorious range of heroes denigrated
14. The Enigma of Samson
A later text solves the problem
15. Epilogue
Appendix I
Twenty-One Steps for Message Preparation
Appendix II
The Closing Chapters of Judges
UK £8.95183 pages |
ISBN: 978 1 913133 20 7