Church Membership in the Bible
Peter Masters
62 pages, paperback |
ISBN: 978 1 870855 64 8 | UK £4.75 | USA $6.99
Christ has designed a ‘home’ or family for his people, described in these pages as an accomplishment of divine genius. This is a magnificent subject, vital to spiritual growth and blessing and also to our service for the Saviour.
Compassion for Souls
Following Christ's approach for witnessing to different kinds of unbeliever
Peter Masters
99 pages, paperback |
ISBN: 978 1 913133 09 2 | UK £5.95 | USA $9.99
It is amazing how much guidance is stored in the Gospels and the Book of Acts for all who engage in personal witness and preaching
Deepening Discernment
The Meaning and Purpose of 1 John
Peter Masters
34 pages, booklet |
ISBN: 9781899046911 | UK £1.00 | USA $3.00
This is the Bible’s own manual of discernment, enabling believers to keep their faith and walk unsullied until the Lord’s return.
Faith, Doubts, Trials and Assurance
Peter Masters
139 pages, paperback |
ISBN: 978 1 870855 50 1 | UK £7.95 | USA $11.99
Ongoing faith is essential for answered prayer, effective service, spiritual stability and real communion with God. This book answers many questions about faith, such as – How may we assess the state of our faith? How can faith be strengthened? What are the most dangerous doubts? How should difficult doubts be handled?
God's Rules for Holiness
Unlocking the Ten Commandments
Peter Masters
169 pages, paperback |
ISBN: 978 1 870855 37 2 | UK £7.95 | USA $11.99
Taken at face value the Ten Commandments are binding on all people, and will guard the way to Heaven, so that evil will never spoil its glory and purity. But the Commandments are far greater than their surface meaning, as this book shows. They challenge us as Christians on a still wider range of sinful deeds and attitudes.
Hallmarks of Christian Character
Peter Masters
135 pages, paperback |
ISBN: 978 1 908919 80 9 | UK £7.95 | USA $11.99
Here are great themes for the Christian life, combining devotional, encouraging and practical views of the distinctive characteristics, aims and way of thinking of sincere believers.
Heritage of Evidence
in the British Museum
Peter Masters
127 pages, 135 colour illustrations, paperback |
ISBN: 978 1 908919 71 7 | UK £8.95 | USA $11.99
The British Museum holds a huge number of major discoveries that provide direct corroboration and background confirmation for an immense sweep of Bible history. This survey of Bible-authenticating exhibits has been designed as a guide for visitors, and also to give pleasure and interest to readers unable to tour the galleries.
Joshua's Conquest
Was it Moral? What Does It Say to Us Today?
Peter Masters
119 pages, paperback |
ISBN: 978 1 870855 46 4 | UK £5.95 | USA $9.99
This is a book for reading, rather than a commentary. Its aim is to bring out the spiritual message of Joshua for today, and also to explain some of the 'problem' portions and passages which evoke questions.
Men of Destiny
Peter Masters
166 pages, paperback, illustrated |
ISBN: 978 1 870855 55 6 | UK £8.95 | USA $11.99
Here are the lives of fourteen remarkable people having in common a personal spiritual experience which changed and moulded them. Given to unconverted people, these biographies challenge the heart and open the way to further spiritual influence. For the preacher, youth leader or Sunday School teacher, they provide outstanding testimonies.
Men of Purpose
Peter Masters
157 pages, paperback, illustrated |
ISBN: 978 1 870855 41 9 | UK £8.95 | USA $11.99
A book to enrich the programme and devotions of homeschoolers, and a challenge and inspiration for young people for over 30 years. With many illustrations, it presents the lives of pioneer scientists along with historical and unique figures, each providing a powerful testimony to the saving grace of God.
Missionary Triumph Over Slavery
William Knibb & Jamaican Emancipation
Peter Masters
51 pages, illustrated, paperback |
ISBN: 978 1 870855 53 1 | UK £3.95 | USA $6.99
We are being told today that Christian missionaries of the past were tools of colonial oppression and destroyers of culture. For this reason Christianity is called a ‘white man’s religion’, best shunned by Afro-Caribbean and Asian people. The story of missionary William Knibb shows how wildly wrong this is.
Not Like Any Other Book
Interpreting the Bible
Peter Masters
161 pages, paperback |
ISBN: 978 1 870855 43 3 | UK £8.95 | USA $11.99
Faulty Bible interpretation lies at the root of every major mistake and 'ism' assailing churches today, and countless Christians are asking for the old, proven way of handling the Bible to be spelled out plainly.
Paul's Ten-Point Design for Church Health & Growth
Peter Masters
85 pages, paperback |
ISBN: 978 1 908 919 99 | UK £5.95 | USA $9.99
What are our aims for the shaping of our church fellowship, and for its growth? Do we have an agenda or framework of desired objectives? The apostle Paul had a very definite policy, and called it his 'purpose'. This book sets out ten policy ideals from Paul's teaching.
Physicians of Souls
The Gospel Ministry
Peter Masters
285 pages, paperback |
ISBN: 978 1 870855 34 1 | UK £9.95 | USA $13.99
Even where the free offer of the Gospel is treasured in principle, regular evangelistic preaching has become a rarity, contends the author. These pages tackle the inhibitions, theological and practical, and provide powerful encouragement for physicians of souls to preach the Gospel.
Steps for Guidance
in the Journey of Life
Peter Masters
134 pages, paperback |
ISBN: 978 1 870855 66 2 | UK £7.95 | USA $11.99
In recent years the subject of how to find God's guidance has become controversial. This book presents the time-honoured, scriptural view that Christians must seek God’s will in all the major decisions of life, such as career, marriage, location, and church.
The Baptist Confession of Faith 1689
Peter Masters (Editor)
53 pages, paperback |
ISBN: 978 1 870855 24 2 | UK £3.95 | USA $6.99
This brilliant summary of doctrine (in the same family as the Westminster Confession), with its invaluable proof texts, is here gently modernised in punctuation, with archaic words replaced. Explanations of difficult phrases have been added in italic brackets. A brief history of the Confession, with an index, is included.
The Charismatic Illusion
Peter Masters and John C Whitcomb
100 pages, paperback |
ISBN: 9781908919700 | UK £5.95 | USA $9.99
Expanded revision of The Charismatic Phenomenon (1982) with more answers to questions.
The Faith
Great Christian Truths
Peter Masters
119 pages, paperback |
ISBN: 978 1 870855 54 9 | UK £5.95 | USA $9.99
This is a popular, non-technical sweep through key themes of the Christian faith, highlighting very many inspiring and enlivening points. It often takes an oblique and unusual approach to a topic in order to bring out the full wonder and significance.
The Healing Epidemic
New Condensed Edition
Peter Masters
142 pages, paperback |
ISBN: 978 1 908919 243 | UK £7.95 | USA $11.99
Dr Masters here answers the arguments used by healers in support of their methods. He explains Bible teaching on what demons can and cannot do, and how James 5 should be implemented in churches today.
The Lord's Pattern for Prayer
Studying the lessons and spiritual encouragements in the most famous of prayers
Peter Masters
118 pages, paperback |
ISBN: 978 1 870855 36 5 | UK £5.95 | USA $9.99
Studying the lessons and spiritual encouragements in the most famous of prayers. The Lord's own plan and agenda for prayer - carefully amplified - takes us into the presence of the Father, to prove the privileges and power of God's promises to those who pray.
The Meaning and Purpose of the Book of Job
Peter Masters
24 pages, booklet |
ISBN: 9781899046782 | UK £1.00 | USA $3.00
The chief theme of Job is salvation by grace alone, but this ‘patriarchal Bible’ reveals many other topics.
The Mutual Love of Christ and His People
An explanation of the Song of Solomon for personal devotions and Bible study groups
Peter Masters
115 pages, paperback |
ISBN: 978 1 870855 40 2 | UK £5.95 | USA $9.99
The courtship of the Song of Solomon provides fascinating scenes and events designed to show the love of Christ for His redeemed people, and theirs for Him. Here, also, are lessons for Christians when they become cold or backslidden, showing the way to recover Christ's presence in their lives.
The Personal Spiritual Life
Peter Masters
127 pages, paperback |
ISBN: 9781908919205 | UK £6.95 | USA $10.99
From the personal indwelling of the Holy Spirit to living a life of commitment these chapters stir and encourage readers to advance spiritually.
The Real Baptism of the Holy Spirit
When it occurs and what it involves
Peter Masters
86, paperback |
ISBN: 978 1 908919 91 5 | UK £5.95
Is there a second blessing or baptism of the Spirit after conversion? Is the believer meant to struggle against sin, or does the Spirit sanctify by grace? What is the witness of the Spirit? Here are answers to all such questions with ‘proof texts’.
When to Stand Apart
Peter Masters
15 pages, booklet |
ISBN: 9781899046775 | UK £1.00 | USA $1.75
Here is guidance through a minefield of problems today, with help on the use of love, charity and discretion in applying the doctrine of separation.
World Dominion
The High Ambition of Reconstructionism
Peter Masters
55 pages, paperback |
ISBN: 1 870855 16 7 | UK £3.95
'Reconstructionism' claims that Christians have a mandate to secure dominion over the world, bringing society under the the authority of the civil laws of Moses. This book points out the mistakes which have carried the movement far out of line with mainstream evangelicalism.
Worship or Entertainment?
Peter Masters
100 pages, paperback |
ISBN: 978 1 913133 05 4 | UK £5.95 | USA $9.99
Where will your church be five or ten years from now? – asks the author. With the adoption of contemporary music worship many have already changed beyond recognition. Yet more will do so.