Commentaries / *The Life of David, 1  

*The Life of David, 1

*The Life of David, 1

 *Available only from the publisher or Tabernacle Bookshop at RRP. A W Pink possessed a powerful grasp of pastoral writing. His sympathetic handling of characters and events, and his surefooted skill in applying the spiritual ‘parallels’ of Old Testament history, yield more observations and applications per page than all other modern commentaries. He gleans not only from the Bible, but from the very best of the old divines. The Life of David has been reprinted many times and continues to be of inestimable value to preachers and other message-preparers. It also provides the very best personal devotional reading.

UK £11.95

388 pages, cloth  |   ISBN: 978 1 870855 78 5

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