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[Romanian] Only One Baptism of the Holy Spirit

[Romanian] Only One Baptism of the Holy Spirit

When is the believer baptised with the Spirit, and what happens? How does assurance come? Is the believer to struggle with sin, or does the Lord fight the battle? What is the filling of the Spirit? Clear answers with proof texts. Suitable for study groups and classes.

Table of Contents

Only One Baptism of the Holy Spirit
1. When is a Believer Baptised With the Spirit?
2. Is a Second Baptism Needed for Assurance?
3. How Does the Spirit Witness With Our Spirit?
4. The Spirit of Holiness
5. Attending the Wrong Classroom
6. Are We to Fight Sin?
7. Must We Be Emptied or Broken?
8. The Filling of the Spirit
9. The Spirit's Way
10. A Baptism of Bliss?
Appendix: The Case of the Ephesus Twelve 

UK £3.00

85, paperback  |   ISBN: 9789739278904

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