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Lessons for Life 3

Lessons for Life 3

Each of the 4 volumes in this series contains 46 lessons (supplemented with optional visual aid suggestions and drawings) ideal for home devotions or for a year's Sunday School lessons (allowing for special services and anniversaries).

All the lessons have an evangelistic emphasis, and at the same time provide a memorable view of all the major events and doctrines of the Bible. They avoid the presentation of Bible narratives as mere 'stories', so that the Word of God speaks powerfully to the young, pressing home the great arguments and appeals of the Gospel.

Mrs Jill Masters has supervised the teaching programme of Britain's largest children's Sunday School for thirty years, and has addressed Sunday School teachers' gatherings in the UK, USA, Far East, Australia and South Africa. These volumes have been greeted with enthusiasm by Sunday Schools and parents the world over, having been translated into several major languages.

UK £6.95  |  USA $13.99

252 pages, paperback  |   ISBN: 978 1 870855 15 0

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